Opening A Bank Account in India
Opening a bank account provides businesses with access to financial services, local transactions, and compliance with regulatory requirements.
International Banks
Foreign investors and individuals can establish accounts in India through either:
The account opening process typically takes around 8-10 working days with both Indian and international banks.
Major Indian Banking Institutions
Timeline for Account Opening
The account opening process typically takes eight to ten working days with both Indian and international banks.
Opening a Bank Account for a Company
To open a bank account for a company, provide the company’s name, principal place of business, mailing address, and contact number.
Documents Needed:
Opening a Bank Account for a Proprietorship
Provide the name, address, and business activity of the proprietorship.
Documents Needed (two of the following in the business’s name):
Opening a Bank Account for a Partnership Firm
Provide the partnership firm’s name, legal address, partner names and addresses, and contact numbers.
Documents Needed:
Opening a Bank Account for an Individual
Requirements vary for Indian nationals and foreign nationals residing in India.
For Foreign Nationals Residing in India:
For Indian Nationals:
Opening a Bank Account for a Trust, Society, or Foundation
Provide the names of trustees, settlors, beneficiaries, signatories, founders, managers, and directors along with their contact information.
Documents Needed: