Formation Services
Stratrich help businesses incorporate any type of UK legal entity such as Company Limited by Guarantee (LBG), Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), Company Limited by Shares (LTD), Property Management Company, Public Limited Company(PLC) or a Charity Company.
Our services are quick, dependable and cost-effective.
We have created bespokeofferings for businesses who want to set up a company and are based outside of the UK. The service package includes everything you need to form a UK limited company, a UK bank account, and tracked delivery of your company documents overseas.
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Navigating the UK Business Formation Maze
We review your entity before sending to Companies House. On average, 10% of applications are rejected but our pre-submission review ensures that your application is accepted.
Formation Services
We offersfully inclusive package designed to offer everything you require to incorporate a limited company. It includesHMRC registrations, VAT registration, and the filing of your first confirmation statement.