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Market Research Service

The U.S. isn’t just a market; it’s a vast tapestry of opportunities, each thread telling a unique story of business possibilities. To truly thrive here, you need more than just a global vision; you need local acumen. Our role? Guide you in identifying the most promising markets and demographics for your U.S. expansion.
Whether you’re a domestic name or an international powerhouse, the American market has its intricacies that can catch even the most seasoned player off-guard. Through our experience and strategic alliances, we can seamlessly guide your company enter the prime locations of the American market.
At Stratrich, we provide market entry services across various American-strong industry sectors such as Retail, Renewable Energy, Construction, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Banking, Telecommunication, Technology, etc.

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    Deciphering the U.S. Market Maze

    Stratrich can provide the entire suite of services to assist companies navigate market entry complexities successfully or can also offer sub-sets of overall activities such as Customized Research reports, incentives identification and applications, etc. for clients based on their requirements.

    Our Market Entry Service Services

    We’ve developed a holistic market entry service to ensure your entry into the American market is both strategic and seamless. We assist international and local US-based companies seeking U.S. market entry via:
    Initial Competitive Assessment
    Business Site Selection
    Market Entry Service
    Economic Incentives